Thursday, April 12, 2012

Great Night.....Long Night!!

Well let me start by saying that was a fantastic night for both our guys and girls teams!!  Everyone did a great job and really handled our first meet so well!  Here are the final results from the night:

Girls Team:
Byron Center 89.5 - Valleywood 38.5
Crestwood 77 - Byron Center 50

Guys Team:
Byron Center 106 - Valleywood 22
Byron Center 82 - Crestwood 46

We do want to take a minute to exaplin the late finish and arrival back at WMS.  The first meet of the year tends to go longer as there are many new athletes and in this case a new timing system at EK.  Also this was a "tri meet" which means we had three teams at this meet.  Our meets the rest of the year (other than the conference meet) will only have two teams at them, which means we will normally finish up around 6 or 6:15pm!  We just wanted to make sure you all know this was a very abnormal meet and arrival time for middle school track!  :)

We are so proud of our athletes and how they handled this meet, we were out on the track for over 4 hours, in not the nicest conditions, but all of our BC athletes handled things very well!  All of the coaches are so proud of our athletes!   

1 comment:

  1. It was thrilling to see all the kids run! Way to go BC! You all should be proud of yourselves!
